I've Moved!

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Winner!

Congratulations to Sweet Sugar Belle! She is the winner of the National Sugar Cookie Day Competition! Please visit her blog to see more photos of all her fantastic cookies I'm amazed by her talent!

All the photos uploaded to the flickr photo group were very impressive. I was definitely inspired after looking at them. So many of them were extremely detailed and original. WOW! Thank you so much for sharing and for joining the National Sugar cookie day celebration!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Better late than never?

So sorry I didn't get the finalists for the sugar cookie contest posted on Saturday. I'm embarrassed by how long I've been letting this contest drag on but happy to report that this week's delay was due to baking-related priorities.

So here are the finalists:

Sugar Sugar Gal

Rosey's Sugar Palace

The Sweet Adventures of Sugar Belle


There were so many other really cool cookies uploaded to the flickr group that it was practically impossible to pick these finalists. (another reason I was so slow to get this post out).

I'm putting a poll button in the right column so you can help me pick a winner. Come heck or high water, I WILL announce the winner this Saturday.

Thanks for helping me celebrate National Sugar Cookie Day!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


9 days

60+ hours of driving through deserts, mountains and cities

Maybe 2 hours of sleep every night

Too much junk food

Lots of beautiful sights, laughs & great memories

Our vacation was very fun but I'm glad to be home where the roads are all flat, straight and only 2 lane, the grass is green and life is relatively simple.

Although…choosing finalists for the sugar cookie contest has been anything but simple! So many really awesome cookies were uploaded to the flickr group. These are just a few that I chose very quickly to show you.

I'll try to narrow these down to 4 or 5 and have a poll so you can pick your favorites by Saturday.



Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy National Sugar Cookie Day!!!!!

Cookies Galore… indeed! Lots of very very beautiful, cookies have been uploaded to the National Sugar Cookie Group! I don't know how we'll ever decide on finalists for the prize. I'm glad you'll be helping me select a winner! I wish I could offer a prize worthy of the talent I've seen in this group. If only I were a millionaire…

Thank you so much for participating in the National Sugar Cookie Day Celebration!

I'll be back after my vacation to wrap up the contests and share some packaging ideas and resources.