Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bake at Work!

I was inspired by this Lifehacker article to make some waffle cookies. (I've been reading Lifehacker a lot lately!)

The title of the article is Make Cookies in 90 Seconds with Your Waffle Iron.

I tried both of the recipes that the article linked to and while the oatmeal chocolate chip ones (top) seem a bit more novel, the tried and true chocolate waffle cookies tasted better to me.

Anyway… I thought… depending on the type of place you work… it might be fun to take your waffle iron to work and serve these to your co-workers fresh baked. I think maybe I'll try it this week. You gotta do something to make work more fun, right?


  1. OOOOHHHHH!!!!! Yum! Are these similar to pizzell's? I would love to try these! Thanks for the idea! xo

  2. Love your recipe blog. Please feel free to stop by my food blog anytime to get some of my great recipes. :) I'm at Off The Menu @

  3. They do look delicious!!! A waffle iron is something I do not own for some reason. I may have to get out and buy one soon :)

  4. I've never thought about waffle cookies. Thats a great idea!

  5. Nice cookies ideas thanks for share it with everyone:-)
    Jimmy Simpson
    wedding cakeWriter
